1 Cup Will Clear Up Phlegm And Mucus in chest And Lungs – Improve Immunity In This Winter Season

If you want to increase your immunity, you don’t want to have mucus in your throat or lungs. You want to be warm in the winter. Yes, you don’t want to get really ill in the winter.

Then, in this article, I’ll be sharing with you a remedy that you can make at home with two ingredients. Very easy to make, you can drink it two times a day, morning and evening. What are the ingredients and how to make it?

The First Ingredient

The first ingredient that we will use is cinnamon. Buy the original cinnamon. The link, I will put in the old article where I explain the difference is in the description box. Just have a look, the real cinnamon is available all over the world now. You can find it on the internet. I’ll try to put the links also in the description box, but the thing is, add cinnamon and use it. I have been using cinnamon for the past 15 years because it is an antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal spice. It helps keep your heart healthy, and also balances the insulin in your body. How much? Put one teaspoon.

The Second Ingredient

For water, we will take one glass, which is 200 ml. Then we will take ginger. The raw ginger, not the powder, because according to Ayurveda, the holistic medical science says that the raw ginger, in small amounts, balances all the three doshas that are the vata, pitta, and kapha. But if you take the dried one and the powder one, then it can give an effect on the pitta, that means the fire component.

Why Ginger?

Why we are using the ginger? Because ginger will boost your metabolism, and if you have good metabolism, the food will not stay in your gut for a long time. The food that stays long in your gut is known as ama, the toxins. So, ginger will help you in the detoxification. It will boost your metabolism. It also gives a good effect to your liver, which in turn will help in bile production. A concentrated, good amount of bile will go to your gallbladder, and your gallbladder will be healthy. There will be less chances of getting gallbladder stones. And plus, at last, this is what it will do: it will help our body to digest the food we are eating, to get more vitamins and minerals from the food that we have.

How much ginger? You can take a small piece, like an inch, and then put it in the same water where you have poured the cinnamon. Boil it on a medium flame. Keep boiling for 2 minutes, and that’s all, it’s ready.

If you don’t like the taste, then you can add a little bit of honey, but always remember, you should not be drinking it hot. When it cools down a bit, that means about 40 degrees Celsius or a little less than that, you can add either lemon juice if you want, or lime juice according to your taste, and drink it.

When to Drink and Benefits

This is going to do magic for you in your digestion. When to drink? I will suggest not to drink it on an empty stomach. I will suggest to drink it after food or between your meals. You don’t have to worry, so you have very less chances of having any of the side effects of ginger. For some people, on an empty stomach, ginger and cinnamon can cause irritation in the stomach or discomfort in the gut. But after the food or between the meals, it can help you.

But anyways, if you have these sensations, then this remedy is not for you. Try something else. For maximum people, it’s going to help you out. The holistic medical science says both the herbs are going to balance the three doshas. Cinnamon specifically is for the kapha, which you know about, it will remove or reduce the mucus from your body. And ginger specifies the vata also, means the air component.

Both the herbs, if taken in excess, then they can cause the pitta, the fire disturbance, means burning sensation, skin problems in the body. But if taken once or twice in a day, I don’t think they should cause any of the problems.

Additional Ingredients

This is a very good tea to be used in the winter. You can play with that, you want to add a little bit of turmeric and black pepper as you want, but cinnamon and ginger are the main ingredients of this remedy.

Enjoy your winter!






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