Reducing Weight with Triphala: An Ayurvedic Approach
Belly Fat and Kapha Imbalance
According to Ayurveda, increased belly fat is because of the kapha imbalance, meaning extra mucus in your body. In simple language, if you talk about why it’s happening, it’s happening if you are not doing exercises, you are not living a healthy lifestyle, you are not eating good food. Then, these all things result in extra fat in our body.
Three Steps to Decrease Fat
So, if you want to decrease the fat in our body, what we have to do? First thing is, we have to eat in a caloric deficit, means how much calories are required in the whole day, we have to eat a little bit less than the calories required. Second thing, what we have to do, we have to boost our metabolism. If our metabolism will be good, even in the resting phase, the body whose metabolism is high burns more calories. Third, we have to detoxify our bodies so that our body is clean, and it can absorb all the vitamins, minerals, protein from the food that we are eating. That will be the right way.
The Triphala Combination
So, in this video, I’m going to share with you a combination of three herbs together, that’s a super combination in Ayurveda that you can consume every day, which will result in detoxifying your body and boosting your metabolism. Only thing is, from your side, you have to try to eat right, you have to do exercises, and plus this is gonna help you.
So, the combination of these three herbs, it’s very popular name is Triphala. You might have heard in my videos from other people also. Yes, Triphala is a superb combination. I use it a lot in my practice as an Ayurvedic physician in different kinds of diseases, not only in weight loss, why? Because it’s detoxifying, and if our body will be detoxified, it will be like half of the treatment for any disease.
Triphala Ingredients
But over here, we are specifically talking about weight loss. So, I will give you the recommendation how to use Triphala for weight loss. If you don’t know about Triphala, it is a combination of three herbs, the three fruits are: Amla, means Indian Gooseberry, richest source of vitamin C, very rich in antioxidant, it’s a super fruit. Amla, if you don’t know about amla, just read about this, you will be amazed. Second is Haritaki, the best herb to increase our immunity. Third is Bibhitaki, the herb that cleans your gastrointestinal tract, so will help to boost your metabolism. So, a deadly combination, superb combination, and is used by humans from centuries.
How to Use Triphala
How to use this fabulous combination? See, the right way, it differs according to the season, when it’s hot, when it’s cold, when it’s rainy, when it’s winter, in all these seasons, there are different ways to use Triphala. It’s so beautiful because the fruits give different effects at different times of the year, so they should be eaten in a specific way. For Triphala, it has been written in which month how to use. I will write over here all the seasons and how to use in which season. This will be convenient for you rather than I’m speaking, because I’ll speak, you have to again see, and then again listen to this part. Take just the screenshot of this and just save it, and you will know in which season how to use it. Either in any season, come to this channel, come to this part, and you will see written over here, and take it in that way. This is the best way.
But the general recommendation for Triphala differs just in two ways. I will share with you very simple. At night, when we will eat Triphala, it is gonna detoxify, it is gonna boost our metabolism, it will be kind of a mild laxative. It will take it at night. But when we’ll take it in the morning, it is gonna give us energy, it will boost our metabolism, but will not work as a mild laxative, but will balance our body and our appetite. Yes, that’s the beauty of using natural stuff, they are just magical. That’s why I just love Ayurveda and herbal stuff.
How to Use Triphala
How to use it at night? At night, take one teaspoon of Triphala, mix it in warm water, and drink it one hour before going to bed, means one hour before sleep, just drink Triphala. Now, in the morning, how to use it to boost our energy? Take one teaspoon, mix it with honey, and take it on an empty stomach. But if you are not okay with honey or allergic to honey, then take jaggery, mix in the Triphala, and eat this, and you can drink warm water. This is the difference, just how we are taking Triphala, it gives different results.
Do it for two months, follow a good diet, do exercise, more than sufficient, you will be amazed by the result. If you’ll see any of the good fat burner Ayurvedic stuff, those are sold for decreasing the weight, the good one will always have Triphala or some component of this combination for sure. One of these three fruits will be over there because they give effects. So, try it out, eat right, you don’t need chemicals, just following a healthy lifestyle, eating your own time, and eating Triphala in this way is gonna create magic.
It’s all interesting, herbs are interesting, spices are interesting, Ayurveda is interesting. So, read about it, learn about it, use it, make it your lifestyle, and you will be amazed, you will be happy by this. Main thing is happiness, so smile more, stay happy, you are beautiful, doing these things will make you more beautiful, stay healthy.
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