1 Glass daily to flush out body toxins

Three Simple and Effective Ways to Clean Your Gut

It’s very easy to be healthy, it’s very easy to clean our intestine, to have a healthy gut. The only thing is, we have to be disciplined. The whole thing that can help you in cleaning your gut is Triphala. If you divide this word, we get ‘tri’ plus ‘phala’. ‘Tri’ means three, ‘phala’ means fruits. A combination of three fruits together is known as Triphala.

These three fruits in Triphala are: Amla means Indian Gooseberry, richest source of Vitamin C, is full of antioxidants, one of the best fruits for our eyes, for our hair, for overall health. So, Triphala has this. Second is Haritaki, the best herb to keep our immunity strong. Third herb is Bibhitaki, and this herb will clean our intestine. But it’s better to consume Triphala than consuming the Bibhitaki alone, why? Because you get lots and lots of other benefits while consuming Triphala, as it has very good herbs for overall body’s regeneration, that’s Amla, and has a very good herb for immunity, that’s Haritaki. So why not take benefits of these two herbs also, which contribute in having a clean gut and having healthy flora?

1. Triphala Powder

Yes, Triphala is my first choice. How to consume Triphala? Consume it in powder form. Yes, it’s not going to be tasty, but it’s going to be very effective. How to use? One teaspoon at night, mix it in water and drink. If you are not comfortable like this, then one teaspoon of the Triphala powder and honey, mix it, and then eat it in this way also you can consume Triphala. So, see as you are comfortable. Yes, there are Triphala tablets and Triphala capsules available, they are not so effective as the powder, so I am recommending the use of Triphala powder. Buy of any brand, but start consuming Triphala.

2. Fasting

The second way of cleaning our intestine is by fasting, yes, just eating on time, just giving your body time so that it can detoxify itself. Our body is magical, it detoxifies itself, it takes care of itself every single day. The only thing is, we have to give time. If you’ll eat your dinner between 5 to 7 pm and your next day meal between 10 to 12 am, then this time is sufficient for your body to detoxify itself. You are going to feel light, you are going to feel good if you eat in this way. This is the right way to detoxify your intestine.

I will say, two times in a month, do a day fasting for the whole day. Don’t eat, and the next day start eating. You can start with a day fast from morning up to the evening, try not to eat. Yes, you can drink herbal teas, yes, these things you can, but try not to eat anything. Anyways, if it’s too hot for you, you are feeling “No, I can’t do this,” then start consuming fruits in between for a day, on that fasting day, just consume fruits when you feel awful, you are feeling that “I’m going to break.” At that time, eat fruits, and in this way, fast. And slowly, slowly, you will see that you are making good progress, and you can fast for long. Try without stress. There should not be stress because of fasting or because of a healthy lifestyle, because we already have lots of stress in our life because of other reasons. So, we don’t want to add up more stress, that’s why I always emphasize, whatever you do, enjoy that thing. So, fasting also, enjoy and do it two times in a month for the whole day. And all other days, just eat your dinner on time, and this will detox your body every single day.

The best way to do detox, and before moving to our next point, just a quick reminder about my website, that’s rehabaid.in, link will be in the description box, you can have a look.

3. Castor Oil

Now moving towards our third point, that’s about consumption of castor oil. Just drink one tablespoon of warm castor oil one time in a month. If you feel that one tablespoon of castor oil is not enough for you, yes, you can increase that dose, but do it only one time in a month, not more. Yes, this is also not going to be tasty, so after drinking castor oil, you can drink warm water also. So, in this way, you can drink, just it’s done one time in a month. But if your gallbladder is full of stones, or you are having severe problems with your kidneys or any other serious health issues, then it’s better to consult your doctor before drinking castor oil. In general, yes, castor oil is helpful.

Importance of a Healthy Lifestyle

So, these were the three ways how you can detox, but we have to understand why we need to detox. See, if you are not eating healthy and you are eating Triphala, you are fasting, then the things are not going to go well. If you are eating healthy, you are following a healthy lifestyle, then yes, these things will be helpful. You are doing exercises, you are active the whole day, then yes, these things will help. But only concentrating on detoxification, no, it’s not an answer.

And yes, anyways we should detox our body, our intestine, because the food that we are eating, we don’t know from where it is coming, how it has been grown. So yes, there is a very big chance there are lots of chemicals going to get inside our body, and yes, we should detoxify our body.

I also remember that I haven’t told you how long to use Triphala. You can use whenever it’s required, not that “Okay, use for 10, 15 days, 20 days, then have a gap.” Use whenever you feel that “I should detoxify my body.” If you feel to detoxify for two to three days, yes, it’s well and good. If you want to detoxify just one time, then also yes, you can consume Triphala. And yes, Triphala can be used for three months continuously, and then it should be discontinued for two to three months. I don’t want anyone to get adapted with any kind of consumption of any kind of herb, also if it’s the best herb also. No, I want that everyone’s body work on its own and it’s taking care of itself. Yes, supplementation for some time, yes, it’s good, even I do it, but without getting our body adapted to it.


So, use whenever you need and start feeling your body. In this way, you will be more healthy. I hope this video will be helpful for you. See you in the next video with a big smile. Up to that time, smile more, stay happy, stay healthy.






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