Glass Daily Get Rid Of Gastric , Ulcer , H- Pylori Naturally – Natural Treatment Of Gastric, Ulcer

Treating H. Pylori Naturally

One of my friends asked me about the treatment of H. pylori today in the morning. He said, “Is zinc good to treat H. pylori?” Before giving my answer, I just asked him, “What symptoms are you getting because of H. pylori? Why do you think you have H. pylori?” I asked him, “Do you have ulcers, any pain, discomfort in the stomach?” He said, “No gas, no bloating, no gastritis.” He just told me that he is having not-so-good digestion, maybe kind of constipation, and that’s why he wants to treat H. pylori. I said, “Who told you that not good digestion is related to H. pylori?” He said, “The internet or the videos that are going on.”

Understanding H. Pylori

I said, “Okay, I thought I should make a article on this topic.” See, H. pylori is a bacteria that lives in our body. It doesn’t bother many of us, it bothers some of us. And when it bothers, it makes sure that we come to know how – by destroying the mucosa of our stomach, by making holes in the stomach that create ulcers, that cause gastritis. You are in pain, you know that you are suffering from gastritis. So, only the person who has these symptoms should be concerned about H. pylori. Otherwise, it just silently lives in our body without creating any issues. There are thousands and thousands of bacteria that live inside our body, as well as on the surface of our skin, so we don’t have to treat all of them. We have to treat only if there is an overgrowth of these bacteria, or they are creating health issues.

H. pylori creates health issues only if the immunity of the body goes low or the environment is unhealthy, for example, an internal infection. I’m talking about this can give a chance to these bacteria to grow and create problems. So, the treatment is not only taking antibiotics, because antibiotics have to be taken two to three times for the treatment of H. pylori. And many times, the body gets adapted to antibiotics, then you have to go for other classes or higher doses of antibiotics. There are some other options that I would like to share in this article that can help you with this condition. I can’t say, “No, you should stop using antibiotics,” or “You should use antibiotics.” It’s all individual, it all depends on your overall health. I’m not your personal doctor, so I’m over here giving you general advice, and I hope this will be helpful for many people.

Natural Remedies for H. Pylori

Cabbage and Cabbage Juice

So, the first thing that is going to help you is cabbage. Cabbage juice is going to be one of the best things for ulcers and gastritis. Consuming cabbage is going to be good, consuming cabbage juice is going to be good.

Licorice Root (Mulethi)

The second thing that’s going to help you is licorice, also known as mulethi. One of the best herbs if you are suffering from gastritis or an ulcer or H. pylori, this herb is even going to clear your intestine, is going to help you in digestion, and will help to improve the immunity of the body. Plus, it’s going to improve the health of your throat and your lungs. So, licorice is one of the best herbs to be used if you are suffering from these problems. You can get it in the powder form or in the raw form. If you get it in the raw form, then you have to just chew and suck it as a candy, one or two times a day. If you get the powder form, then take half to one teaspoon, two times a day, 30 minutes after your meal, you can use it.

Stress Management

The third thing that you have to do is to work on dealing with stress. Stress is not going to go anywhere for all of our lives. What we can do is change our reaction to the stressful situation. Try to live a stress-free life, try to manage stress. This is going to help you a lot if you are suffering from gastritis, ulcers, or if your body’s immunity is low, and you’re suffering from H. pylori. Stress is one of the biggest causes, so work on stress management. Also, yoga, breathing exercises, even simple exercises, long walks, these are all stress busters. Eating good food, taking care of your gut is going to help you a lot. Your mood depends on your gut health also, so gut health is important.

As Ayurveda says, all the problems start from your digestion or your kostha. As Ayurveda says, work on it if it’s not healthy by eating good food, eating on time. This is also going to be a treatment. I’ll talk about it a little later. These things are going to help, that’s for sure.


Zinc, for sure, is going to help you. Take 50 mg, two times a day, after food. That’s the general recommendation, one time a day. You have to take that for 2 to 3 months, that’s it. This will help in boosting your immunity. If you can get zinc from the food itself, it’s awesome, but if you are not getting food that is rich in zinc, then you can supplement it.

Bhumyamalaki (Bhumyamlaki)

Another herb that helps a lot is Bhumyamalaki (Bhumyamlaki). Take half to one teaspoon, two times a day, after food. Bhumyamalaki is an awesome herb, it is one of the best herbs for any problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The dose is also not so big, some people are comfortable with half a teaspoon also. Just by using it for one or two days, you will feel the effects, it’s so awesome.

Lifestyle Changes

Another thing that is going to impact a lot, even more than these herbs, is eating on time, especially your dinner. Try to eat your dinner up to 6:30 p.m., and then after this, you don’t have to eat anything. You can take herbal teas, but no caffeine, no sugar, no food. Yes, it’s good to drink water, but you will not eat anything after your dinner until your breakfast. This will change your life. Your body will get time to heal itself, all these mucosae, the holes that are made by H. pylori, all those things will be repaired. Your body will take care of itself, you just have to give your body time, and this will happen when you eat on time at night. That’s very important, so do it. Don’t see it as a lifestyle, see it as a treatment. People want treatment in the form of tablets, right, or some kind of procedure? Consider this eating on time as a treatment, as a procedure, and do it every single day. That’s going to work a lot.

Diet and Lifestyle

My last recommendation, but the most important one, is to remove junk food, to remove all these soft drinks, to eat only healthy, home-cooked food. This is a must. I know many patients who can’t do this, and they suffer for many years from gastritis and ulcers, and at last, this problem starts causing them psychological issues, and then they are prescribed antidepressants. I don’t want this to happen to people, that’s why I’m making it clear that unless and until you are not going to change your diet, your lifestyle, even herbs or medicines are not going to work well for you.

Ayurveda, the holistic medical science, says to follow a pachak aahar (PA) diet if you are suffering from these issues. What is a PA diet? What to eat, what to avoid? I will put the link down below in the description box on this diet. Follow this diet religiously, and you will feel the effects. It’s not a hard diet, it’s a simple diet where you have to avoid food that is very salty in taste, that is very spicy, hot – you have to avoid these things. You can consume other things. So follow the PA diet, and you will see good effects.






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